Faithful Living

Virtual Bootcamp!

4 October 4, 2017 It’s time to replace your excuses for results! I am where I am today because I told myself I am worth it. You are too, friends. Don’t give up on YOU. Meet me halfway and LET’S DO THIS together! I’d love to have you take part in my next Virtual Bootcamp!

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Veggie Frittata

August 27, 2017 Just call me Chef GG! If you guys know me, you know that cooking is NOT my forte!  But since I have started eating so healthy and clean, it’s forcing me to start cooking and experimenting with recipes.  So here is my newest yum find!  I actually found this recipe from the meal

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GG does Sushi!!!!

July 5, 2017 You may have read awhile back about my 21 Day Cleanse journey.  During that, not only did I lose so much weight, but truly learned so much about food and how it effects our bodies.  I learned how to eat slowly and actually enjoy the meal and how to eat a massive

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There are NO Excuses!

January 12, 2017 For those of you that have been following me on FB recently, you may have seen that I spent Christmas and New Year’s in the hospital with my dad.  He unexpectedly got very sick Christmas Eve, so we had to spend a lot more time in Atlanta with my parents than expected. Praise

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