Punta Cana or Bust!!!

May 17, 2017
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I just returned from the most ahhhhhmazing trip to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic!  Now, this wasn’t just some fun vaca for my hubby and I, BUT this was a REWARD trip!  I EARNED this trip from all of my hard work

We were greeted at the door with paparazzi, free cocktails and food stations around every corner.  I must say that Beachbody spares NO expense when it comes to their coaches.  There were over 6000 coaches at this event and we were ALL spoiled rotten!  Non-stop food and drinks, parties with live bands, DJ’s and dancing, incredible oceanfront room with a hot tub in the middle of the room overlooking the ocean, and amazing workouts with the TOP super trainers!

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I am BEYOND proud of myself for achieving my goals and doing so well in this business.  I’m amazed every day that such an incredible opportunity was GIVEN to us, completely for FREE!   I came into this biz years ago, ONLY for the discount.  NEVER in a million years did I think I would be an actual Fitness Coach!  I thought I’d just keep on plugging away with my 3 companies I owned at the time, keep killing my body teaching way too many classes and just enjoy the discount on shakes!   But boy was I WRONG!  When I learned that Beachbody is NOT just your typical company out to make money; they truly want to END the trend of Obesity!  They want to see people change their lifestyles, not just make a buck off their workout programs.   I then realized that I, too, can help change lives!  I can help people get healthier and that truly is the most rewarding business I’ve ever been in.   AND, the fact that I can help women become CEO’s of their own business; WOW, INCREDIBLE!  My passion has always been fitness and entrepreneurship and being able to bring that to other ladies who had NO idea they could own their own business.  Such an amazing treat!

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 I have truly met the most amazing, strong, and motivated women in this business.  Women from all over the country that I never would’ve met had I not become a coach.  These ladies are my partners, friends, supporters and lifelong BFF’s!

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Being able to experience this trip with my hubby and my coach friends, just made this DREAM such a reality.  It amazes me daily how God brought this career into my life; all because of my horrible hysterectomy experience, at just the right time and knowing this would be a DREAM COME TRUE!

Truly am so very blessed to be part of this company that has taught me so much about myself and helping others every single day!