GG and Michael getting married

Singles, there is hope!

Singles, don’t lose hope!

I know what it feels like to be single for what seems like forever!  I was in my 40’s and truly thought God has forgotten about me.  I had been in so many long-term relationships and so many of them I thought was “the one” !!!   One thing I learned from finally meeting “the one” – you WILL KNOW when you find that person God has picked out for you.

This is a topic I am very passionate about because I was the queen of making excuses for men and “settling.”  As a Christian, your number one priority and one thing you DO NOT COMPROMISE on is that your future mate MUST be a follower of Christ!  I don’t mean that maybe he has gone to church before or maybe willing to go to church with you.  I mean that this man is 100% devoted to the Lord and lives his life for Him.  Believe me, you will know!

bible verse

I made all kind of excuses for some of the men I was dating: he goes to church, he goes to Bible study, he’s willing to go to church, he’s such a nice guy, he treats me so well, he’s a really good guy, etc…..  I could go on and on and on….  Even with the man I was dating before I met my husband, he was a Christian and he did go to church regularly, so I was just convinced he was IT!  Yet, I got my heart broken by him on multiple occasions; I made excuses for him all the time.  I kept saying, “he’s a christian, so I’m just sure this is the man God picked out for me.  God’s just making me stronger.”  Yep, crazy excuses right????    As hard as it was for me, my Heavenly Father saved me by having him break my heart.  Yes it killed me at the time, but that breakup is what drew me to my now-husband.  So blessed my God was looking out for me.  Remember that…when your heart is broken, God is looking out for you.  It may be excruciating now, but your future mate is waiting for you and how can you be ready for him, if you’re with the wrong one?   Stop making excuses for the one you’re with!  A broken heart is much better than being stuck in a bad marriage or going through a divorce.

Stay tuned for my next blog post on how I met my hubby and KNEW he was the one.

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I wrote a book on this very topic, “But First, Pray” and I speak about my past single-life but also, how I learned to put God first.  That’s the number one most important thing you can do to prepare you for the spouse God has picked out for you.   If we don’t put God first in our life, I cannot promise He will be able to prepare you for your mate.  My book is a very simple 4-step process on how I made this change in my life.  And boy did it ever change my life!!

GGs Book But First Pray

Want a FREE download of my first book, “But First, Pray” – here’s the LINK

If you’d like the Amazon Kindle Link for the book – CLICK HERE

I filmed the following video on my Facebook page to help give some hope to my fellow singles.  Always know you can reach out to me for prayer or just to chat.  Would love to hear from you; comment below with what you’re dealing with in your single journey.  Let’s all help each other out.
