Hey God’s Gal! Yes, we’re going to talk about waking up earlier!!
Waking up early is not fun. Maybe you already wake up early, and you’re saying, “There is no way I can wake up any earlier. I just can’t do it.” But all I’m asking for is five minutes earlier. If you can do 10 or 15 minutes earlier, that’s great too. But if you just set that alarm for five minutes earlier, you can have some prayer time with God. I know it’s not going to be long, meditative, candlelight, hallelujah-chorus kinda time, but at least you’ll have some morning time for God.
Lamentations 3:22-23. Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed, for His compassion’s never fail. They are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness.
WAKING UP EARLY – Inform Your Family
It’s very important that you let your family know that you’re doing this. Otherwise, you are trying to have this quiet time and the kids are running around, the hubby is demanding things, the pups need a walk, etc.
Just say to them, “This is important to me and for the whole family that I take this time with God every day. For just these five minutes,” (or 10 minutes, or 15 minutes), “please don’t interrupt me because I really need this time with God every day. It’ll just make me a better mom, a better wife, a better friend, sister…”
New Here???
Check out some of my recent posts related to this topic:
Why You Must Practice Self Care
5 Easy Ways to Relieve Stress and Stay Christ-centered
Christianity and Manifestation
Why You Need to be at the Christian Wellness Retreat
What To Do When God Changes Your Direction
Making God a Priority
What God Taught Me While Following His Lead
What Did We Do at Our First Retreat
Is God Taking You Through a Disaster Area
Can You Be a Christian and Do Yoga?
My new book, a guided journal: Journaling Faith and Feelings into Action
WAKING UP EARLY: Set the Alarm Earlier
It’s time to set that alarm! Start with just 5 minutes!! You got this! Make sure you put the alarm in another room, so you’re forced to get out of bed.
You may be thinking that 5 minutes couldn’t possibly make a difference, but God just wants to know that you are trying to give Him some time. Guess what? The more you do this, the more consistent you get with this, He will actually arrange your schedule so that you have more time. That’s how He works. I promise.
Set your alarm, change that mindset (see blog post from last week: Do you Need a Mindset Shift). and give the day to God; praise Him for a new day, rather than that negative mindset.
WAKING UP EARLY – Find a Quiet Space
Grab your coffee or tea and find a quiet space in your house. It may even have to be a locked bathroom or closet. You need to be able to shut the door so nobody bothers you. The most important part about this morning God-time is that you are completely alone with zero distractions. If the kids/hubby/dogs are running around, you’ll never be able to focus on what God is saying to you.
WAKING UP EARLY – Your Actual Quiet Time
When it comes to your actual quiet time, there are so many options of what you can do. I have written several blog posts on this topic of exactly what you can do with your morning routine:
Morning Routine with God
How to Reach God through Journaling
And my FREE ebook on how I began my daily time with God: “But First, Pray”
- Worship Music is always a great way to pray while using great faith based music
- Just be still before the Lord; listen to what He’s saying. And no, you may not instantly hear something day 1 of your quiet time. But be consistent and God will begin to speak to you. Check out my blog post about this: Is God Speaking to You
- Journaling is my personal fave and this has completely changed my life. See the blog post above. I have also just come out with a guided journal book that my mother and I collaborated on: Journaling Faith and Feelings into Action
- Just have a short chat with God. Remember that God is your Father, friend, Savior, and so much more. He wants you to be comfortable just talking to Him. Your prayers don’t need to be crazy formal, just tell Him how you feel. But at the same time, don’t just ask ask ask, praise God for your blessings, tell Him what you’re grateful for and then tell Him what’s on your heart.
- Bible reading – another long topic that’s hard to break into something short and sweet, especially if you have not dived into the Bible yet. So I do break this down in a very easy way for you: Easiest Ways to Start Reading the Bible
- Read a short devotional. I like Jesus Calling and Jesus Always
- Listen to a Sermon on a podcast or YouTube. I love Elevation Church podcast, as well as Rick Warren and Andy Stanley.
- Check out my video here on a morning stretch time with prayer: [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqZ6ujIuK-0[/embedyt]
God wants to know that we love Him and we’re there to draw closer to Him because that is most important. He will then change our hearts the more consistent you are with this.
If you are so limited on time, I want you just to focus on one of these ways, whatever works best for you. If you just start out giving God five minutes every day, I promise you will start seeing a difference. You will start increasing that time. God is the one who can arrange our schedule each day, so why not give Him that time daily?? Of course, you can always chat with God all day long and end each evening in prayer, too, but I truly feel He wants us to start each day with Him. So let’s go set those alarms because I know you can do this!
I’ve got an awesome FREE GIFT for you, just for being my friend!! This will help you get started with Journaling. Get your FREE Guided Journal HERE!
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FREE Life Changing Morning Routine Guide
7 Steps to a Life Changing Morning. Grab your guide here!!