Are you just not motivated enough to make that daily time for God? It is so hard to find that time, right? I want to give you just a few simple tips to make that mindset shift to spend time with Him daily. mindset #attitudeshift #motivation #timewithgod #faith #prayer

Do You Need a Mindset Shift for God?

Do you need to work on your Mindset in order to find the time for God daily?  Does the thought of spending time with Him everyday seem overwhelming or just too time consuming?

I got you girl!!  I used to get so overwhelmed at the thought of adding one more thing to my plate, plus, where is the time to do this????

Howdy my God’s Gal Pal!  I want to share with you about changing your thinking, your mindset, and an attitude shift.

This is day one of my Faith in 5 Challenge!  It’s important to me that I teach you how to fit God in, in a short amount of time.  When I reached out to my clients, the main theme that kept reoccurring was the overwhelm and time constraints of spending time with Him daily.  What needs to happen is to start a daily habit with God; did you know it takes 66 days to form a habit???  Don’t get overwhelmed!!  66 days seems like a lot, right?  But never fear, GG is here!  Start small is always my theme with all of my teachings.

Are you just not motivated enough to make that daily time for God? It is so hard to find that time, right? I want to give you just a few simple tips to make that mindset shift to spend time with Him daily. mindset #attitudeshift #motivation #timewithgod #faith #prayer


New Here???  
Check out some of my recent posts related to this topic:
Why You Must Practice Self Care
5 Easy Ways to Relieve Stress and Stay Christ-centered
Christianity and Manifestation
Why You Need to be at the Christian Wellness Retreat
What To Do When God Changes Your Direction
Making God a Priority
Is God Speaking to You
What God Taught Me While Following His Lead
What Did We Do at Our First Retreat
Easiest Ways to Start Reading the Bible
Is God Taking You Through a Disaster Area
Can You Be a Christian and Do Yoga?
Morning Routine with God
How to Reach God through Journaling
Check out my FREE Ebook: “But First, Pray”

My new book, a guided journal: Journaling Faith and Feelings into Action


Before your feet even hit the floor every morning, thank God for another day.

Are you just not motivated enough to make that daily time for God? It is so hard to find that time, right? I want to give you just a few simple tips to make that mindset shift to spend time with Him daily. #mindset #attitudeshift #motivation #timewithgod #faith #prayer


How many of us wake up every morning, especially on a Monday morning and instantly go to negative thoughts?  “Oh my gosh, it’s Monday. I gotta wake up. I have so much to do” or “I’m dreading this or that” or “I have to go to a work and I don’t want to go to work” or “I hate my boss. I hate my job.” Whatever it is, how many of us do that?   We must switch our mindsets first thing, and thank God before your feet hit the floor.  That’s instantly going to change your mindset.  Whatever you start your day thinking, is setting the tone for the entire day, am I right or am I right???  A thankful mindset; thanking God for another day is the BEST way to start your day.

Are you just not motivated enough to make that daily time for God? It is so hard to find that time, right? I want to give you just a few simple tips to make that mindset shift to spend time with Him daily. #mindset #attitudeshift #motivation #timewithgod #faith #prayer


Psalm 5:3. “In the morning, Lord, You hear my voice. In the morning I lay my request before You and wait expectantly.”

God wants to hear from us first thing every morning.  He wants to know that we are putting Him first, no matter what kind of day we’re facing.  Because, guess what????  God can be in charge of all parts of our day, if we let Him in.  Wouldn’t you rather Him be in charge of your day and not you???


Start your day in PRAYER.

This next step, you don’t even need to wake up any earlier.  When you are laying in bed, the alarm has gone off, you turn it off, maybe even put your alarm on worship music, so the first thing you hear is worship music.   Before you can go to that negative mindset of, “Oh, I hate Mondays,” let’s pray and start the day right. That way you’re instantly focused on God first thing before you can even have a negative thought. If a negative thought starts to come in your mind, switch it to prayer instantly.  You don’t even have to get up and do anything.

You’re still laying in bed, close your eyes, so hopefully you won’t go back to sleep. For me personally, I like to do my stretches in bed first thing and I begin my prayer time during my stretches.  Otherwise, if you’re closing your eyes and praying, you know you’re falling back asleep!  Or you may have to sit up, lol!!

Are you just not motivated enough to make that daily time for God? It is so hard to find that time, right? I want to give you just a few simple tips to make that mindset shift to spend time with Him daily. #mindset #attitudeshift #motivation #timewithgod #faith #prayer

Here’s a quick prayer to start your day, but make this your own….

Heavenly Father, we just thank You so much for another day. Another day in Your presence. Another day to enjoy the blessings that You are pouring out all over us. We thank You for a roof over our head, for the warmth in our house, for our family, our friends, for our job. We praise You, Lord just for giving us another day to enjoy Your presence, Lord, and just be guided by You throughout this day. We praise You, Lord. We lift this up to You, Lord, in Your Son’s holy, precious name, amen.


Talk to God all day long!


The more we chat with God throughout the day, the easier it is for us to rely on Him, turn to Him, and just feel His presence in ALL parts of our day.  Very easy ways to do this:

  1. Keep all of your music stations on Worship music.  Whether you are using a music app or the radio, keep worship music on at all times.  You wake up in the morning listening to worship music; you’re driving the kids to school with worship music on the radio; you’re stuck in traffic worshiping….  you get the point!  God begins to be in all you do.
  2. When you’re doing mindless tasks, (getting ready in the morning, driving, cooking dinner, etc) put on a Christian podcast or sermon.  I love the Elevation Church podcast, Rick Warren, Greg Laurie, Focus Marriage, Proverbs 31, Louie Giglio
  3. Take time to pray throughout the day: making your kid’s lunches, laundry, traffic, driving to work, walking into a big meeting, etc.  Instead of focusing on all the many tasks that are staring at you, take time to just  chat with God all day long.  Bring Him into all parts of your life.
  4. Put on a YouTube sermon while cooking the family dinner.  One of my fave sermons:        [embedyt][/embedyt]
  5. Before going to bed at night, say a prayer to God thanking Him for the day. It’s ok if you fall asleep while saying your nightly prayers.  At least you end your day the way it started.  God will be in your thoughts as you sleep.


Easy peasy, right???  Doesn’t have to be any harder than these steps.  Start with a little at a time and eventually you form a habit of spending this daily time with God.  Make this work for you!  God will slowly begin to change your heart, I promise…

We’re all different. We all have different things going on in our lives, but what’s important is starting your day with the right mindset, a mindset set on our Creator!

  • Start the day thanking Him first
  • Start the day in prayer
  • Speak to God throughout the day – make this a daily habit


If you have not gotten my free ebook yet, visit my site to receive your free copy of “But First, Pray”  I wanted to share with you, how I began spending daily time with the Lord.


Have a blessed day. Put your focus on God first and change that mindset. And let me know if you have any ways you keep your focus on Him and work on your mindset.