How can you reignite your faith?
I want to show you how you can make God a priority daily, why we need to do this and why is this reigniting your faith??? And guess what? I promise this will not even take up your whole day, you can truly start in as little as 5 minutes.

This the patio where I spend time with God daily (or sometimes the beach itself.) But I can promise you, it wasn’t always such a fab view.
When I started this years ago, I was extremely busy, just like you. I did not have a ton of time to spend with the Lord because I had a very early personal training job (4 am early!!) But you know when God puts something on your heart, you better get in gear! I was ready to see change in my life; I wanted to get out of that rut I was in and that sadness that I had to overcome back in my many years of being a single woman. I was so upset about my years of singleness (yep, still was single in my 40’s!) I was blaming God for my unhappiness and why it was taking so long.
I truly felt God say to me, “if you want to see change in your life, if you want things to be different and have more joy, peace and, and feel more love from the Me, you need to put Me first and make Me a priority.” It wasn’t easy, but that convinced me I just had to start. Had no idea what I was doing, but I just needed to take that one step.
New Here?
Check out some of my recent posts on this very topic:
How to Treat Your Body like God’s Temple
How to Reach God Through Journaling
Are you struggling with Who You Are Now?
When I began my daily God-time, I was pretty clueless – I started out very very early, set my alarm 15 minutes earlier. I sat down in my cute 50’s style kitchen, had my Bible ready and my journal and just started. Of course I had NO idea what I was doing at first. No clue where to even start in the Bible, but I just did it!!
Even with my new habit of daily quiet time with Him, I didn’t know where to start but just felt it was best to start at the very beginning.

Now it took many months perfecting this to actually come up with a plan. But I did, I came up with an easy plan. And guess what, it really only has to take you five minutes. That’s what is so amazing about this plan. Read this to learn all about it: What is my Morning Routine?
Now, I will tell you this – I’ve got a few catches that come with spending this time with God.
- First of all, you have to be consistent with it. You have to do it every single day; God needs to see you making this effort of putting Him first. It’s like exercise – you won’t see any results if you don’t put in the work.
- The second catch: the more you do this, the more your desire for Him is going to grow.
- And last but not least, the third catch: God is going to give you more time! He’s going to open up your calendar, He’s going to open up your schedule, so that you have more time for Him.
When I began this years ago, I must admit that I dreaded it. I looked at it like a chore. But the more I did it, not only did my desire grow for more of God and His Word, but I couldn’t wait to spend the next morning with Him. He even cleared out my schedule so that I had more and more time each morning to devote to him. It started out with just 15 minutes a day and it grew to sometimes two hours a day. God is amazing!!!
What’s a great side effect of spending this daily time with Him??? BLESSINGS!! Blessings are going to start to pour out when you make this a priority. I’m not making this up. I’ve heard this from so many women who have been following my morning routine.
Who doesn’t want that? Who doesn’t want to see a life change?
I came up with a 7 Steps to a Life Changing Morning. It’s just something you can easily printout from your computer. That’s my FREE GIFT for you!!
Join the Tribe
But wait….there’s more….I have an even bigger gift for you. And it’s free. You may have heard me talk about my God’s Gals Tribe membership. It’s a membership site and every day you get:
- Daily Devotional from myself in a video
- Exact scripture to read daily
- A study plan on what to do each day
- Private Community of other godly women in the Tribe
- Monthly Teaching/Sermon
- Live Virtual Call where we can all meet up and share prayer requests
I’m going to take the overwhelm out of “how do I even start spending time with God every day.” You don’t need to worry about any of that, because I do it all for you. And that’s what the tribe is all about. You get the daily Bible verse, the plan with exactly what you do for your quiet time, you get a community of godly women, where you can share prayer requests and praises. You also get a monthly teaching from either myself or another professional. And last but not least, we do a live virtual chat every month where you get to actually meet each other. on the computer, you will see everybody’s faces, share your prayer request live and in person, share praises, ask questions, get to know one another, introduce yourself and all that good stuff.

That’s what I love about this is that we have a community, yes, you can go out, buy a devotional and/or you can open up your Bible and start reading it on your own. But why not be given all the tools and have a community of women that are sharing this with you!?!?
Ready to join the Tribe? Join the God’s Gals Tribe here! But don’t forget, you actually have to do the work!! You must make a commitment to do this daily. If you want to see things changing for the better in your life, if you want to see a true life transformation, if you want new godly friendships and see the blessings poured over your life, you have to do the work. I realize that’s not easy, it’s no different than exercise. It’s no different than eating healthy. You can’t see pounds falling off your body, if you don’t do anything, you have got to do the work. You have to commit to this every single day, not just when you have time.
Basically, that’s what you’ve been doing up until this point, right? If you have time for God, you’ll open up your devotional, you may listen to some worship music on the radio. But God wants more than that. God does not want a lukewarm Christian; He doesn’t want you half in and half out. He’s wants ALL of you! He wants you to make him a priority every single day.

Wellness Retreat
Coming up in October is my 2nd annual God’s Gals Retreat, which is basically an expanded version of our God’s Gals Tribe. We’ll get to meet in person, share daily prayer and worship time, work on our wellness (with fitness and nutrition), we’re going to do Christian yoga, stretching, bonfire-bonding time, 4 guest speakers, and so so so much more!
I’ve got a $150 OFF Early Bird Special, but runs out fast: 7/31/19. Early Bird Special Coupon Don’t miss this awesome deal!! If you are reading this after that time, make sure you EMAIL me and I may have another special deal going on for you.
My goal to reach as many women as I can and for you to truly experience the life changing transformation that only our Heavenly Father can provide. I hope you have a very blessed day and I plan to see you in the Tribe and I’ll see you at the retreat in October.
How about a Life Changing Morning Routine Guide? Grab it HERE!
I’ve got an awesome FREE GIFT for you, just for being my friend!! This will help you get started with Journaling. Get your FREE Guided Journal HERE!
Love spending time with God in the mornings! Thanks for the encouragement and ideas. I have been blessed with your words this morning!
Laurie, thank you so so much. That means a lot. Appreciate you reading and hope it helps