November 10, 2017
Hi Everybody!
Anyone else getting a little STRESSED thinking about the upcoming holiday season? It’s a crazy busy time of year – lots of preparation to do, meals to host, traveling, and don’t get me started on Christmas shopping!
I’ve decided to offer a F*R*E*E 5 day group focusing on being mindful and calm as we prepare for the holiday season.
Are you ready to be BLESSED, not STRESSED?!
I’m going to focus on daily Scriptures and prayers as well as 5+ yoga video routines that will address various needs you may have.
It’ll all be hosted in my virtual accountability group right on Facebook.
Are you interested? Simply reply and I’ll get you into the group. We start MONDAY!
Can’t wait to hear from you – let’s DO this – a week is just the start of your new healthy lifestyle!!
**Note – this Blessed Not Stressed group is for my current customers and those who are not currently working with a Beachbody coach. If you’re already working with a coach, please contact him/her and ask what free groups are being offered**
Coach GG