Packing Tips – Top 4 Tips

May 26, 2018 | Coach GG

Have you been following my Packing Tips Blog so far?  Make sure you go back and read those, too.  Just as a bit of a background…. I have always been the WORST packer!  I mean, really bad!  Packed way too much or all the wrong stuff.  Way over the weight limit and always had to carry the largest bag known to mankind.  I cannot say that I am the BEST yet, but I am 100% better than I was.

I am here to pass along some tips that have helped me get a bit better.  Of course, I love clothes, so I still pack a big suitcase, BUT, it’s not over the limit anymore and sometimes I even have a little bit of room left for fun stuff that I buy.


Here are some tips I’ve learned from traveling so much more in my life these last few years.

  1. Roll clothes

  2. Bring oils

  3. Pack 1-2 pants, 1-2 shorts, 1 dress or skirt

  4. How many dressy items will you need?

1. Let’s start with ROLLING – I always resisted this.  I thought there’s NO way this can save room.  And it takes so much longer to roll everything.  I tried it once and the rest is history.  It truly does save you so much room.  Why, I don’t know, but something about rolling the clothes give you extra room for things.  Take the time to roll and you’ll be happy you did

2. Oils – you may be wondering what kind of crazy oil-thing am I talking about?  I discovered DoTerra oils awhile back and I can’t say they all helped me out in life.  BUT, I do always travel with 2-4 that seem to really help out.

  • On Guard which boosts your immune system.  We all know how many germs are out there in the world, especially on planes.  I put the oil on my feet before I put my socks on and I’m just praying it really does keep the sicknesses away.

  • DigestZen – sometimes traveling can make your tummy feel not so great, am I right???  Or maybe you suffer from motion sickness.  This is great for both of those.  I put a few drops on my stomach and it does seem to help.  Plus the smell just instantly brings some relief

  • Lemon – back home I always start my day with a large class of water and fresh lemon juice.  Of course with traveling, you can’t always get that lemon, so I add 4 drops of lemon oil into my water in the morning and it’s a great way to detoxify your system.

  • Serenity – this oil is great for relaxation and sleeping.  I also add this to my feet before sleeping. If you have a bathtub, you can add to a nightly bath.

3. Pack 1-2 pants, 1-2 shorts, 1 dress or skirt – so the point of this is to pick items that you can make it to many outfits.  For me, I like to pack 1 pair of jeans and one pair of pants (or leggings).  This way I can dress them up or make them more casual with flip flops or sneakers.  Same with the shorts.  I may pack one casual jean short and one dressier one.  But either can be dressed up with different tops, heels, sandals, accessories, etc…  You get the point.  For the dress and/or skirt, you can pick one that can be dressed up or down.  I have some great lightweight knit dresses that can be dressed down with flip flops or worn with a big necklace and high heels.  Everything you pack needs multi-uses so it’s not just a one outfit item.  As we all know, traveling and the weather can be very unpredictable and you need to be flexible.

4. How many dressy items will you need?   For this one, #3 above may work just fine for your dressier nights.  BUT, if you’re attending special events, you may need a specific dress for each event.  If your trip has nothing dressy planned and it’s just a simple vacay, also #3 above will work just fine.  This is more for special events, such as weddings or conferences.  Rather than taking too many dressy items, I do like to have this one completely planned out by trying everything on at home with the accessories so I don’t need to take many as a guessing game.

Stay tuned for my next blog post for more helpful tips.  I may just be saving the BEST for last!!

If you’re interested in learning about my upcoming Mother Daughter Wellness Retreat (btw, you don’t even need to have a daughter or bring your mom – bring a BFF!) –

EMAIL ME and we’ll chat about it