August 3, 2016
As you may have seen all over my FB page, I just returned from the Beachbody conference, Summit. I had no idea what to expect and I have been attending fitness conventions/conferences for many many years. I truly thought this would be just another convention of working out and meeting some new friends. But it was so much more than that. Not even sure how to put it into words.
I became a Fitness Coach a little over a year ago and it truly has changed my life; both inside and outside; physically and mentally. Being at Summit, I got to see 28,000 coaches from all over North America; literally, every shape and size and age. And the amazing thing about all of these coaches, was the happiness on everyone’s face. Even my husband was astonished by how happy everyone was and genuinely nice to others. Even at restaurants, in the hotel, and on the streets, the coaches were just so happy! Now, I myself, and my husband, have been to tons of conferences, and never seen such joy from people. This is a prime example of what living a healthy lifestyle can do to your mindset. Not only does it change your body and your insides, but it changes your mind. Doctors are actually starting to realize that if people would eat well and workout daily, there won’t be as much depression in the world. AMEN TO THAT!!! This was very apparent at this conference and even our keynote speaker, a comedian named Maysoon; she said the same thing: she’s spoken at tons of events and never seen the joy and happiness that comes from these coaches.

Here was our Closing Ceremonies where we saw Beachbody give away hundreds of thousands of dollars to people who have changed their lifestyles and got healthier! So amazing working for a company that rewards so many people, just for getting healthy. They truly want to END the Trend of Obesity!

Another great part of this Summit was being able to experience it with my husband. We even went to a seminar on Spousal Support. They spoke about:
*balancing being a business owner with your family life
*always being there for each other
When we listened to some of these spouses speak, they were not on board with this business in the beginning and even my husband was a bit skeptical, like I know so many are. But once he saw the great potential, how it completely changed my life and how I help change people’s lives every single day, he was 100% IN! He is even one of my Coaches now!! I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful, loving husband.

I feel that I have grown so much as a Coach from all of the personal development I did at this conference.
I also feel that I will be a better person and a better wife for my husband. I met amazing Coaches in person that I have only seen on FB and met some brand new Coaches, too. Truly this was like no other event I have ever been to and so very blessed I was able to go. I cannot wait to continue to grow my business and help change more lives and see others start on a path to a healthier lifestyle.
My other passion is entrepreneurship and I truly want to help women start their own businesses. I was able to learn so much about business ownership at this conference, too. There is NOTHING like owning your own business and I would love to help women become the CEO of their own business. Having that freedom; no boss, no set work hours, no commute, work from anywhere, etc….. Is such a joy and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s a VERY hard way to make a living but 100% worth it because you are doing it all on your own! You’re not making money for someone else; just YOU!
Truly blessed that God brought this opportunity into my life and all because I had had a hysterectomy, felt horrible and wanted to try a darn shake to make me feel better! Crazy, huh???? Man did it work and made me feel like a NEW WOMAN!!