October 10, 2016
It’s time to talk about food! My favorite topic. The great thing about the meal plan I’m on, is that it’s a lot of food! The number one comment I get from everyone in the beginning is: do I have to eat all of that food??? Well first of all, that cracks me up, because don’t we all associate getting healthy with eating nothing??? So, when we are finally allowed to eat a ton of food, I get so many complaints from people. Which is crazy to me because who doesn’t love to eat?!?!? It’s so important when working out: cardio plus strength training, to fuel your body, not starve it! I am proof that when I wasn’t eating enough food, I GAINED WEIGHT! When I ate the proper amounts, I lost. So the more I worked out, the more I ate and the more I lost.

Sunday tends to be the best meal prep day for most of my ladies, but it really is just what fits best in your schedule. Some helpful tips for meal prepping that can help you get ready for you week:
*prepare all of your meats, freeze some and keep some in the fridge, so it’s easy when it’s time to eat; just grab some chicken, throw it on a salad or quickly saute some veggies and voila!
*have your veggies chopped up so it’s ready to be tossed into a salad or sauteed.
*cook healthy carbs, such as brown rice, quinoa, barley, farro, etc…
*for my shakes, I use frozen fruits, so no prep is needed for that and it’s easy to just throw in the blender
If you work away from home, you may want to think about going to the dollar store and buying many containers so you can package up every single meal to take to work with you. On Sunday nights you can go ahead and package up your Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snacks for the whole week and you won’t have to think about it again. For about 1-2 hours of your time, you will have every meal DONE! Easy peasy! And your meals don’t have to be complicated.
The meal plan I have been using for 10 months now uses a portion control measuring system, so it’s incredibly easy; NO counting calories, NO weighing food. In f act, I use a very simple app on my phone to know how many carbs, veggies, proteins, etc. I eat during the day. It is the easiest system in the world to follow and the one that has truly helped me change my eating.

GG’s portion control

Eat Fresh on the Road
If you need any help with how to meal prep or would like to learn more about my meal plan, Email Me, and I’d be happy to chat with you more about it. Ever since i got on this healthy eating plan, I can’t imagine eating any other way or going back to my old (horrible) eating habits. It truly is all about changing your habits and mindset.