March 26, 2018
I am beyond excited right now!!
I have just published my first book!!!
Not something I ever thought I could do, but a prime of example of how God can DO absolutely anything!!! I am in NO way shape, or form a writer, yet God brought out words in me that I didn’t think existed.
This book came to be about 3 years ago, but because of my doubts, fears, lack of talent in the writing department, I dismissed it over and over again. My husband told me continuously, “just do it”, yet I ignored him because I didn’t think I could write.
Fast forward 3 years and I was doing a LIVE FB chat about how God puts dreams in our hearts and we need to go after them. Having NO idea He was speaking to ME!!! It hit me like a boulder over the head! God brought this dream of a faith based book – 3 YEARS AGO – yet I did nothing and WHY???? My God is so much bigger than my fears!
So I told myself, “no more excuses, fears or doubts.” I sat down and started writing this book, having no idea what to say and the words just POURED out of me!! The Holy Spirit definitely took over and wrote this thing for me. I sat back and stared in amazement at how I just came up with 5 pages worth and it was nothing!
The moral of my story, JUST START! if God has put a dream on your heart, a passion, a talent, a thought in your head, if you just take ONE STEP, God will do the rest! There is nothing He can’t do through us. Our lack of talent, resources, money, etc…. is NO match for Him. If God can part the Red Sea, create the Universe, create US, don’t you think He can handle your little dream???
If you are interested in getting a FREE EBook, But First, Pray – visit my website for the free download: CLICK HERE
If you’d like the Kindle Version, it’s $2.99 and through Amazon. CLICK HERE
I truly hope you enjoy my book and so thrilled to share it with you guys. This means a lot to me and is all about my story and how I began to truly trust the Lord. Can’t wait to hear how you guys like it. EMAIL ME and let me know