October 27, 2016
Single Ladies, this is for YOU!
How many of you are struggling with being single?
What about hanging in there with the “not so right” man, thinking that’s all you’re going to get?
Do you put up with being treated like crap or just poorly because you don’t want to be single?
Are you settling????

I can relate to ALL of the above, because that was me before God brought my Prince Charming into my life. I went from serious relationship to serious relationship; some men treated me well but some horribly and I just put up with it because I thought, “well, I’m getting older and there’s not much else out there. Plus, I’d rather not be alone.” Unfortunately, so many women feel that same way. The things we put up with, just to “not be alone” is insane! God may have that RIGHT man just waiting for you, but if you don’t get out of the wrong relationship, you’re gonna miss out.
It’s better to be alone than with the wrong person. When you’re alone, you have more time to spend with the Lord; more time praying, more time reading the Bible and just putting Him first. That’s what God wants, He wants you to put Him first.
How did God bring me a flood???? I was dating a man that I thought for sure was THE ONE! He was a Godly man (so I thought) and I just knew we were getting married.
Many years ago, God brought this horrendous flood to the Atlanta area and I could not get to my house! So I was forced to stay with my boyfriend; for a week!! As I was staying at his house, I learned things about this man, horrible things! Things that should have made me run to the hills!! But like so many women, I approached him about it, allowed him to sweet talk himself out of all the horrible things he had done and I forgave him; like a lunatic! There was God bringing me a flood and showing me this man was NOT for me! And I completely ignored it. And that was after many other signs God showed me!
Ladies, please open your eyes, evaluate your relationship and see if God has showed you any “signs” that this man is NOT for you! Don’t settle and put up with it just because you don’t want to be alone or back in the dating world. God has great plans for you!! Allow Him to show you those plans but get rid of the bad baggage in your life first. I know firsthand how hard that is; spend time in prayer and ask for God’s guidance and strength. He can pull you through anything.
Feel free to EMAIL ME if you ever need advice or prayer; I am here for you and I’ve been there!