December 23, 2016

What if I told you that a new program has just been released AN EPIC, CHANGE IN THE WAY WE GET RESULTS OFFER? What if I told you we just out offered gyms, other workout companies, other fitness programs ????? What if I told you our NEW OFFER would blow the lid off your 2017 resolutions !!!
What if I told you, you could get a package from me that would offer unlimited access for a full YEAR to all our programs NEW & OLD?? What if I told you that for LESS THAN A TYPICAL GYM MEMBERSHIP???? And with that you get cooking channels, over 600 workouts, portion control, nutrition, 1-1 support ANYWHERE YOU GO, on any device ?????
I’m super excited to share this new challenge pack offering with you. On Demand has been such a breakthrough with Beachbody because you can take your workout on the go with you, wherever and whenever you want to work out, you can! No need to find a local gym when you travel or be confined to a hotel gym which often has limited equipment. I actually rely on On Demand for all of my workouts.
The NEW All Access Challenge Pack is just $199.99 and includes:
1 month of Shakeology at Retail Price: (usually $129.95)
Portion Fix: ($39.90)
Beachbody On Demand Membership: ($2.99 a week, or about $160 a year)
All of Beachbody’s Fitness Programs: (Over $6,000 retail price!)
Access to Coach GG’s Challenge
Groups (Priceless!)
2 “One on One”30-minute Goal
Setting ZOOM calls with Coach GG: (Priceless!)

Typically after the holiday season, so many of us make a New Year’s resolution to lose weight, to get fit, to get in shape. Admit it, you have as well. But we are all busy people with busy lives and commitments and getting to the gym after a long day (or trying to fit it into a busy day) can be a daunting task.
However – with On Demand, your family room or living room (or hotel room, or backyard, even) becomes your gym! You can stream any of Beachbody’s workouts no matter where you are. Whether you prefer a structured schedule and want to follow a specific workout calendar for 21-28 days, or you prefer to mix and match workouts based on your mood, you CAN with On Demand.
Club Membership from Team Beachbody just keeps getting better and better. First, they offered a quarterly billed membership option ($40 per quarter). A couple of months ago, they began to offer a $100 membership often when you pay a year in advance. Even better! Even better still is the All Access Challenge Pack. When you break down the retail cost of each item included, you’re paying just $30 for a YEAR of Club Membership. What a bargain!

Instead of starting a gym membership on January 1st or purchasing costly sessions with a personal trainer (which can be $100 a piece!) – you can have ALL ACCESS to all of Beachbody’s fitness programs. Dozens of fitness programs – plus unlimited access to the FIXATE cooking show, exclusive to On Demand, to keep your meal planning and recipes fresh and exciting. By the time you get into your gym clothes and drive to the gym on a cold winter morning and start your warm up on a cardio machine, you could be almost DONE your workout in the comfort of your living room! This is the Netflix of Fitness and I am adding a *F*R*E*E bonus option too….
When you sign up for the All Access Challenge Pack and COMMIT to your fitness, you can secure a spot in my January 9th Health Bet Challenge Group. Do you want to get PAID to get FIT?! Wait – what did she just say? You heard me right! Beachbody is going to split a cash prize of $2-$3 million dollars among all participants who commit to getting fit after the holiday season.
All you need to do is:
-work out at least 3 days a week and log your workouts in the app (no problem- you’ll be doing that anyway!)
-log 5+ pictures of your Shakeology in the app each week (70+ vitamins/minerals and superfoods and tastes like dessert!)
It’s THAT easy!
Oh – one more bonus! When you commit to the Health Bet by signing up for the All Access Challenge Pack, I’m going to add 2 x 30 minute one-on-one personal coaching sessions on Zoom with me, Coach GG, for F*R*E*E! Either on Zoom as a video chat, in person if you’re local (and I’ll treat you to a cup of coffee or a shake, on me!), or on the phone if you prefer. I can help you set SMART goals (you’ll learn all about SMART goals in my challenge group!), create an action plan to follow, share fitness tips and re-evaluate your progress after 30 days (or 60 days).

I take coaching very seriously. I’m passionate about it, and I want you to succeed and make 2017 your healthiest year ever. This has been a complete lifestyle change for me, and in my mid-40’s, I am healthier, more energetic and in the absolute best shape of my life! Best part is ANYONE can participate in my challenge groups and do these workouts – and many of them are only 30 minutes per day. Don’t use the busy excuse – 30 minutes is just 2% of your day.
I am only accepting the first *15* applications to the Health Bet group. Many coaches are going to host huge Health Bet challenge groups with 50+ participants. Not me. I want to give each of you the one on one time you deserve and keep it smaller so we can get to know each other during the group as we encourage each others’ successes.
The Health Bet starts January 9th – so the deadline to sign up is January 3rd. This way you have time to order, have your shakes ready as well as your Portion Fix, plus I will be hosting my goal setting Zoom calls between January 4-8th to get you set up to succeed.
*Note: You can participate in my Health Bet Challenge if you’re a customer or coach in my downline. If you are already actively working with another Team Beachbody coach, please contact him/her to discuss your options in terms of January challenge groups.
Here’s the application to join the Health Bet:
Alternatively, if you’re already on Shakeology Home Direct, there is a $99.95 annual Club membership option. Contact me at for details so I can get you signed up or transfer your current On Demand membership to an annual plan to save you $$!
Let’s DO this together friends! Let’s make 2017 AMAZING!!!