October 19, 2017

Hi Everybody!
Have you ever been curious about my Virtual Boot Camps, but just not sure if you have the…
Motivation ????
I’ve got a way for you to come to my “7 Day TRY-IT-OUT” Group!
You get to try the meal plan, learn how to grocery shop, workout daily and GUESS WHAT????? The workouts are truly for ANY level! I tried them out TODAY and loved it! You’ll get a sample pack with all of the above and my support daily in an accountability group.
Who’s needing to make a CHANGE in their life?
I can promise you guys, before I became a coach and started running these accountability groups, I had ZERO motivation to eat well or even workout daily.
These groups help me DAILY to stay on track and I learned exactly how to eat well for a LIFETIME.
Rather than continually saying,
“I’ll start on Monday”
“I’ll start after the holidays”
“I’ll start when I’m not so busy….”
CHANGE IT now!!!!
ONE WEEK is all you need and you’ll see that you CAN do this, especially with the support of a Coach (me!) that loves you, prays for you, and guides you through.
Are you ready to give it a try? Reply TODAY – I have 5 spots left and they will fill quickly!
Can’t wait to hear from you – let’s DO this – a week is just the start of your new healthy lifestyle!!
**Note – this 7 Day Try It Out group is for my current customers and those who are not currently working with a Beachbody coach. If you’re already working with a coach, please contact him/her and ask what groups are upcoming**
Coach GG