GG eating at Epiphany Gluten Free Bakery

I’ve had an Epiphany! This Epiphany happened in Naples, FL

Talk about an EPIPHANY!  And this epiphany involves cookies and God!!  What’s better than that????

As my husband and I were traveling to Naples, Florida, I was hunting down a coffee shop to get some work done.  I am very blessed that I own my business and can literally work from anywhere.  Working in coffee shops is something I love to do and it really helps me focus on my work and nothing else.  I searched online looking for the closest coffee shop.  Normally I just hunt for the closest Starbucks, but I would much rather give my business to a small local coffee shop.

I truly feel this “epiphany” was from God.  The very first coffee shop that appeared in my Google search was Epiphany Gluten Free Bakery.  I instantly blew that off because I did not want to be tempted by a bakery, nor did I know if it had WIFI and would they allow someone to sit and work for hours.  But the more I searched online, I couldn’t find other close by coffee shops, it was as if God was making me go to this place.

I broke down and ventured into the Epiphany Bakery (happened to be only 5 minutes from where I was.)  And what an incredible surprise!  It was like my dream coffee shop!  Velvet chairs, large rhinestone lights on each table, bold and beautiful wallpaper; just so elegant, girly, and comfy at the same time.   And, yes, they had great internet and no problem allowing me to sit and work for hours.  The service was out of this world.  The wonderful man working there kept refilling my coffee and even brought me many samples of their famous desserts.   I ended up purchasing a Chocolate Chunk Cookie and a Paleo Brownie – both delicious, full of flavor and very moist.   And I might add, I am NOT gluten free, but I always appreciate trying new things, especially healthier options. I also liked that this bakery had paleo and vegan options too.  I even saw pizzas and delicious sandwiches.  I could constantly smell them cooking up something amazing as I did my work.  If you’re in south Florida, I highly recommend a stopover at this amazing bakery.

I’d like to share why this stop was such a God-thing.  As I was walking around the bakery, I noticed that it was basically a Christian bakery!  Bible verses and crosses on the wall!!  LOVE that!  Next…as I was getting work done, there were 2 ladies sitting in the table next to me and as much as I tried not to eavesdrop, I just couldn’t help it.  These ladies were believers and discussing how one had just written a new book and she’s a speaker at various Christian functions and how they brand themselves on social media, etc.  The crazy thing is…that’s exactly what I’m doing!  Being able to hear these ladies discuss their businesses, which is exactly what I’m doing with my business now.  I just had to introduce myself and they were so gracious to chat with me.

Truly is amazing to see how God works.  I feel so blessed to be His daughter and be led by Him.  Make sure you’re paying attention to the little things that God is trying to reveal to you everyday.

Check out this video I made about Epiphany Gluten Free Bakery.
